BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions

This is an effective , efficient , interactive face to face online maths tuitions , great alternative to traditional face to face home tuitions and private institutions . BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions is flexible and convinient to online maths tuitions with excellent additional features and great benifits .

There are no hassles in reaching out to students. In a batch of 25 students we are able to reach every student individually. It is a great new learning and teaching experience.

 How it works ?

BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions

works exactly the same as traditional face-to-face tuition but it is conducted over an interactive virtual class room with whiteboard technology , with optional use of webcam , for students it is not mandatory , you can ask any questions without any fear of intimidation or use chat facility  .

Sample video of  live class session recording video 

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