Tuesday, June 30, 2015

BSc Maths - 3 Online Tuitions

BSc Maths - 3 Online MathsTuitions
for IIT - JAM Coaching

Live classes are scheduled on 23 July 2015 at 6:15 am 

Vector Space

Learnig Objectives

  •  Binary Operations , vectors ,vector addition and scalar multiplication
  •  Definition of vector space  and Subspaces
  •  Linear combination , span , LD , LI and basis
  •  Dimension of vector space , dimension theorem
  •  Linear transformations and its matrix representation
  •  Sylvester's law
  •  Eigen values and vectors , caylay-hamilton theorem , diagonalization 
  •  Inner product , euclidean and unitary spaces , norm of a vector , schwartz's inequality 
  •  orthogonality , orthonormal sets and gram-schmidt process


Vectoer spaces - general properties . Subspaces , linear combination ,spanning , basis , finite dimensional vector space , linear transformations , rank-nullity theorems , matrix representation of linear transformations  and its characteristics sylvester's law of nullity,characteristic vlues and vectors , caylay - hamilton theorem ,diagonalization.Inner product spaces ,euclidean and unitary spaces , norm , schwartz's inequality , orthogonality, orthonormal set and gram-schmidt orthogonalization process .

Learning out comes

Student will

  • Learn how the binary operations will work on vector spaces , when does the non empty subset of a vector space becomes the subspace of the vector space .
  • learn about linear combinations and it spans the vector space and form the basis for vector space , identifying the dimension of the vector space .
  • Study about the dimension theorem proof and will verify  and get the dimension of the vector spaces .
  • learn about linear transformations - properties and characterisrics , matrix representations .Sylvester's law of nullity .
  • learn about eigen values and eigen vectors - properties and charecterics eigen values and eigen vectors  and caylay hamilton theorem - its verification and finding Inverse of A and powers of A .
  • Study and learn about the norm ( length) of the vectors , ineer product spaces , euclidean and unitary spaces -their properties and characteristics -schwartz's inequality .
  • Orthogonalization of vectors and orthionormal sets and gran-schmidt's process of orthogonalization .

Part - B     Multiple Integrals & Vector Calculus

Learning Objectives :

  • Line and multiple integrals  , limit form and existance .
  • Double integral and defining over the region R , change of order of integration and change of variables , double integrals in polar coordinates .
  • Triple integrals and defining over the volume V.
  • Applications of double and triple integrals .
  • Vector calculus ( differentiation and integration ).
  • Vector differential operator , Gradient ,Divergence and Curl and their applications , vector identities .
  • Vector integration - Line , Surface  and Volume integrals
  • Vector integral theorems - Green's , Gauss and Stoke's theorem and their verifications .

Introduction to multiple integrals : concept of plane and curve ,line integrals , sufficient condition for existance of line integrals , The area of a subset of R^2 ,Calculation of double integrals , jordan curve , area , change of order integration and change of variables , lengths of curve , surface areas , integral expression for the length of  a curve .
Vector Calculus ( Differentiation and Integration ) :Ordinary derivatives of vectors , space curves , continuity and differentiability . Gradeient , Divergence and curl operators - identities .Vector integral theorems , Green's , Gauss and Stoke's theorems and their verifications .

Learning out comes:

Student will
  • Learn about the concept and how to define the  double integrals over the region R .
  • How to evaluate the double integrals by changing the order of integration and by change of variable .
  • Learn to calculate the double integrals in polar coordinates and Areas enclosed by the closed curves .
  • How to evaluate the triple integrals over the volumes .
  • Learn about the vector differentiation and integration and vector differential operator, Gradient ,Divergence and Curl and vector identities 
  • Vector integration : Evaluation of Line integrals along the curves , surface interals over the surfaces and volume integrals over the volumes .
  • vector integral theorems - Green's , Gauss and Stoke's theorems and their verifications.
Great benifits from  BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions
  1. Get tutoring from well qualified and experianced faculty .
  2. Get unlimited access to live sessions recording videos at free .
  3. Clear explanation of concepts using various mathematical tools ( wherever required )
  4. Covers maximum number of examples 
  5. take online quiz tests ( 10+ with explanation video  for each test ) at free
  6. Access  self pace tuitions (30 + videos )
  7. Handwritten material provided 
  8. PPT's
  9. Get full support from BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions .
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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Statistics online tuitions for BSc students for IIT - JAM

Statistics online tuitions for 

BSc students & Coaching for IIT - JAM

Statistics online tuitions for BSc students with IIT - JAM

BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions ( www.bijmathiq.com ) providing Statistics online tuitions for BSc students with IIT - JAMcoaching through online virtual class room technology with live classes session recording facility is a great benifit to student throught the sem/year/until completion of their final examinations .

This is an effective,efficient and interactive face to face online Maths Tuitions, great alternative to traditional face to face home tuitions and private institutions.

BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions is flexible,Convenient and comfortable .

Great benifits from BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions

* Explanation of every concept using various Mathematical tools.(Geometrical explanations ) and MSExcel (Probability and Statistics)).
* Get access to unlimited times session recordings whenever , wherever you need .
* Attend free online quiz tests  (2 for each unit )
* Download handwritten lecture notes .                                                                            
* Covers maximum number of problems on each topic .
* Get tutored from highly-experienced instructor.
* Get full support from BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions.
 Key Takeaways :
*Get tutored from highly-experienced instructors .
*Get prepared for your semester exams .
*100% success after completion of the course .

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BSc Online Maths Tuitions for IIT - Jam coaching

BSc Online Maths Tuitions for IIT - JAM coaching

BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions ( www.bijmathiq.com ) providing BSc Online Maths Tuitions with IIT - Jam coaching through online virtual class room technology with live classes session recording facility is a great benifit to student throught the sem/year/until completion of their final examinations .

This is an effective,efficient and interactive face to face online Maths Tuitions, great alternative to traditional face to face home tuitions and private institutions.

BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions is flexible,Convenient and comfortable .

Great benifits from BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions

* Explanation of every concept using various Mathematical tools.(Geometrical explanations ) and MSExcel (Probability and Statistics)).
* Get access to unlimited times session recordings whenever , wherever you need .
* Attend free online quiz tests  (2 for each unit )
* Download handwritten lecture notes .                                                                            
* Covers maximum number of problems on each topic .
* Get tutored from highly-experienced instructor.
* Get full support from BijMathIQ - Online Maths Tuitions.
 Key Takeaways :
*Get tutored from highly-experienced instructors .
*Get prepared for your semester exams .
*100% success after completion of the course .

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