Sunday, July 19, 2015

Attend demo classes on BSc Statistics - 3 online statistics tuitions

Attend demo classes on BSc Statistics - 3 online statistics tuitions
on 20 July 2015 at 6:15 pm ( 3 days )   
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Unit I
Design of Sample Surveys 
Concepts of population, sample, sampling unit, parameter, statistic, sample frame and standard error. Principal steps in sample surveys need for sampling, censusversus sample surveys, sampling and nonsampling errors, sources and treatment of nonsampling errors, advantages and limitations of sampling. Types of sampling: Subjective, probability and mixed sampling methods. Methods of drawing random samples with and without replacement. Estimates of population mean,total, and proportion, their variances and the estimates of variances in the following methods.
(ii) Stratified random sampling with proportional and Neyman allocation, and
(iii) Systematic sampling when N= nk.
Comparison of relative efficiencies. Advantages and disadvantages of above methods of sampling.
Unit II
Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 
Concept of GaussMarkoff ,linear modelwith examples, statement of Cochran’s theorem, ANOVA – oneway,twoway.classifications with one observation per cellExpectation of various sums of squares, Statistical l analysis,Importance and applications of design of experiments. 
Principles of experimentation, Analysis of Completely randomized Design (C.R.D), Randomized Block Design (R.B.D) and Latin Square Design (L.S.D) including one missing observation, expectation of various .sum of squares. Comparison of the efficiencies of above designs.
Unit III
Time series:
Time series and its components with illustrations, additive, multiplicative and mixed models. Determination of trend by least squares, moving average methods. Growth curves and their fittingwith reference to Modified exponential, Gompertz and Logistic curves. Determination of seasonal indices by Ratio to moving average, ratio to trend and link relative methods.Index Numbers: Concept,construction, uses and limitations of simple and weighted index numbers. Laspeyer’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s index numbers, criterion of a good index numbers, problems involved in the construction of index numbers. Fisher’s index as ideal index number. Fixed and chain base index numbers. Cost of living index numbers and wholesale price index numbers. Base shifting, splicing and deflation of index numbers.Official Statistics: Functions and organization of CSO and NSSO. Agricultural Statistics, area and yield statistics. National Income and its computation, utility and
difficulties in estimation of national income.
Unit IV
Vital statistics: 
Introduction, definition and uses of vital statistics. Sources of vital statistics, registration method and census method. Rates and ratios, Crude death rates, age specific death rate, standardized death rates, crude birth rate, age specific fertility rate, general fertility rate, total fertility rate. Measurement of population growth, crude rate of natural increasePearl’s vital index. Gross reproductive rate sand Net reproductive rate, Life tables, construction and uses of life tables and Abridged life tables. Demand Analysis: Introduction. Demand and supply, price elasticity of supply and demand. Methods of determining demand and supply curves, Leontief’s ,Pigous’s methods of determining dema.
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